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The Conservators' Alliance was an organization whose purpose was to protect the magical preserves of the world without endangering humanity.[1] The caretakers of the preserves, along with their allies, belonged to this society. Each caretaker had an equal say, with none officially presiding.[2]


For centuries, the Conservators' Alliance benefitted from the advice of the Sphinx, and he was considered the most trusted voice among the conservators until being exposed as a traitor during the 21st century.[3]



As there are around forty active preserves around the world, and since the caretakers' allies were also numbered as members, it can be assumed that the Conservators' Alliance had a very large amount of members. It is unknown whether the caretakers of the seven dragon sanctuaries were counted.

Organizational allies included the Knights of the Dawn, the alliance formed to combat the Society of the Evening Star, a society that the conservators also opposed. The members of the Conservators' Alliance include:

Caretaker Time Notes


fl. 2010s Caretaker of the Australian secret preserve Obsidian Waste. Was killed and turned undead by the viviblix Mr. Lich. Her allies included Vincent Morales, Berrigan, and Camira (defected).


Killed while overseeing the preserve Lost Mesa in Arizona, USA. Allies included Mara Tabares, Hal, and Neil.

Stanley Sorenson

Captain of the Knights of the Dawn and overseer of the secret preserve Fablehaven, in Connecticut. Stepped down as caretaker during the dragon uprising, replaced by Hank and Gloria Larsen. His allies included Ruth Sorenson, Kendra Sorenson, Seth Sorenson, Dale Burgess, Warren Burgess, Lena Burgess, Patton Burgess, Coulter Dixon, Tanugatoa Dufu, Vanessa Santoro, Trask, Elise, Bracken, and Agad.

The Sphinx

c. 12th century21st century Obligatorily a member of the alliance, though never revealed his identity, and instead acted as a benefactor to the conservators. Caretaker over the Turkish preserve Living Mirage. Was exposed as a traitor during the 2010s. Allies included Mr. Lich (defected), Mirav, Nagi Luna (defected), Vanessa Santoro (defected), Torina Barker, Darius, and Nanora.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star, Chapter 8 (The Sphinx)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star, Chapter 5 (New Arrivals)
  3. Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague, Chapter 6 (Plague)